دانلود رایگان هندبوک اشری – ASHRAE HVAC Applications 2019

HVAC Applications

دانلود رایگان هندبوک اشری – ASHRAE HVAC Applications 2019 : کاربردهای تهویه مطبوع در فضاهای مختلف

آخرین نسخه کتاب هندبوک اشری – ASHRAE HVAC Applications در سال 2019 منتشر و شامل 65 بخش شامل طیف گسترده ای از تجهیزات و موضوعات را شامل می شود. مهندسین و طراحان می توانند از این کتاب در طراحی تجهیزات و سیستم های معرفی شده در دیگر نسخه ها بهره گیرند. کمیته فنی اشری تمامی بخش های این کتاب را بررسی و مورد اصلاح قرار داده است. لازم به ذکر است که در این نسخه سه بخش جدید شامل موارد زیر اضافه شده است؛ (جهت حفظ ارزش معنایی ترجمه نشده است)

  1. Chapter 6, Indoor Swimming Pools
  2. Chapter 59, Indoor Airflow Modeling
  3. Chapter 65, Occupant-Centric Sensing and Controls

ار جمله دیگر نکات برجسته نسخه 2019 کتاب هندبوک اشری – ASHRAE HVAC Applications می توان به موارد موجود در بخش های زیر اشاره نمود:  (جهت حفظ ارزش معنایی ترجمه نشده است)

مشاهده بخش های ویژه
  1. Ch 8, Educational Facilities, provides updated design criteria, and a new section on central plant optimization for higher education campuses and educational facilities for students with disabilities.
  2. Ch. 9, Health Care Facilities, has been extensively rewritten to address current health care requirements.
  3. Ch. 16, Enclosed Vehicular Facilities, has new material on parking garage ventilation and updated ventilation flow rates.
  4. Ch. 20, Data Centers and Telecommunication Facilities, includes updates to reflect the current ASHRAE Datacom series, and text updates to reflect changes in the industry and new technologies such as PoE lighting and lithium-ion batteries.
  5. Ch. 34, Kitchen Ventilation, now discusses solid-fuel cooking, and life-cycle cost analysis, with updates from research and SSPC 154.
  6. Ch. 35, Geothermal Energy, has new content on direct exchange systems and pressure considerations for deep boreholes, calculation methods for design, and an updated example.
  7. Ch. 36, Solar Energy, added updated guidance on solar thermal collectors and photovoltaic applications, with new information on design and performance of photovoltaic systems and on installation and operation guidelines for photovoltaic systems, with new practical examples
  8. Ch. 40, Operation and Maintenance Management, has been extensively rewritten to address current best practices
  9. Ch. 41, Computer Applications, was extensively rewritten to more directly focus on immediate concerns of HVAC engineers
  10. Ch. 51, Service Water Heating, added discussion of water heater redundancy in large systems, and has updated information about new uniform energy factor (UEF) ratings, diversified electrical demand of whole-house/large tankless electric water heaters, and a new figure describing recommended tank and plumbing layout for heat pump water heater (HPWH) systems, showing series/parallel arrangement of HPWH and conventional water heaters.
  11. Ch. 52, Snow Melting, added guidance for recommended values by application type and for concrete strength and maximum temperature difference, as well as discussion of new research.
  12. Ch. 54, Fire and Smoke Control, has new sections on balanced approach and smoke feedback, plus extensively revised discussion of dampers, pressurization system design, and stairwells with open doors.
  13. Ch. 60, Integrated Building Design, has been completely rewritten to give more detail on IBD process.
  14. Ch. 64, Mold and Moisture, revised the order of risk factors for mold to better reflect their relative importance, and added information from ASHRAE research project RP-1712 to advise on components and configuration of dedicated outdoor air (DOAS) systems to help avoid mold growth in schools, universities, and military barracks during extended periods of unoccupied-mode HVAC operation.

از ماشین حساب کنفتک استفاده کنید.

محاسبه مقدار مواد جامد محلول در آب – TDS

محاسبه دبی آب ورودی (گالن بر دقیقه)

محاسبه ظرفیت سختی گیر رزینی

محاسبه مقدار رزین و سیلیس مورد نیاز

مشخصات هندبوک اشری – ASHRAE HVAC Applications 2019

نام کتاب : 2019 ASHRAE Handbook – HVAC Applications (SI)
ISBN-13: 978-1947192133
ISBN-10: 1947192132
تعداد صفحات : 1358
زبان: انگلیسی



فهرست نسخه 2019 کتاب HVAC Applications


Residential Space Conditioning (TC 8.11, Unitary and Room Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps)
Retail Facilities (TC 9.8, Large Building Air-Conditioning Applications)
Commercial and Public Buildings (TC 9.8)
Tall Buildings (TC 9.12, Tall Buildings)
Places of Assembly (TC 9.8)
Indoor Swimming Pools (TC 9.8)
Hospitality (TC 9.8)
Educational Facilities (TC 9.7)
Health Care Facilities (TC 9.6, Healthcare Facilities)
Justice Facilities (TC 9.4, Justice Facilities)
Automobiles (TC 9.3, Transportation Air Conditioning)
Mass Transit (TC 9.3)
Aircraft (TC 9.3)
Ships (TC 9.3)


Industrial Air Conditioning (TC 9.2, Industrial Air Conditioning)
Enclosed Vehicular Facilities (TC 5.9, Enclosed Vehicular Facilities)
Laboratories (TC 9.10, Laboratory Systems)
Engine Test Facilities (TC 9.2)
Clean Spaces (TC 9.11, Clean Spaces)
Data Centers and Telecommunication Facilities (TC 9.9, Mission Critical Facilities, Data Centers, Technology Spaces, and Electronic Equipment)
Printing Plants (TC 9.2)
Textile Processing Plants (TC 9.2)
Photographic Material Facilities (TC 9.2)
Museums, Galleries, Archives, and Libraries (TC 9.8)
Environmental Control for Animals and Plants (TC 2.2, Plant and Animal Environment)
Drying and Storing Selected Farm Crops (TC 2.2)
Air Conditioning of Wood and Paper Product Facilities (TC 9.2)
Power Plants (TC 9.2)
Nuclear Facilities (TC 9.2)
Mine Ventilation and Air Conditioning (TC 9.2)
Industrial Drying (TC 9.2)
Ventilation of the Industrial Environment (TC 5.8, Industrial Ventilation)
Industrial Local Exhaust (TC 5.8)
Kitchen Ventilation (TC 5.10, Kitchen Ventilation)


Geothermal Energy (TC 6.8, Geothermal Heat Pump and Energy Recovery Applications)
Solar Energy Use (TC 6.7, Solar Energy Utilization)


Energy Use and Management (TC 7.6, Building Energy Performance)
Owning and Operating Costs (TC 7.8, Owning and Operating Costs)
Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing (TC 7.7, Testing and Balancing)
Operation and Maintenance Management (TC 7.3, Operation and Maintenance Management)
Computer Applications (TC 1.5, Computer Applications)
Building Energy and Water Monitoring (TC 7.6)
Supervisory Control Strategies and Optimization (TC 7.5, Smart Building Systems)
HVAC Commissioning (TC 7.9, Building Commissioning)


Building Envelopes (TC 4.4, Building Materials and Building Envelope Performance)
Building Air Intake and Exhaust Design (TC 4.3, Ventilation Requirements and Infiltration)
Air Cleaners for Gaseous Contaminants (TC 2.3, Gaseous Air Contaminants and Gas Contaminant Removal Equipment)
Design and Application of Controls (TC 1.4, Control Theory and Application)
Noise and Vibration Control (TC 2.6, Sound and Vibration Control)
Water Treatment: Deposition, Corrosion, and Biological Control (TC 3.6, Water Treatment)
Service Water Heating (TC 6.6, Service Water Heating Systems)
Snow Melting and Freeze Protection (TC 6.5, Radiant Heating and Cooling)
Evaporative Cooling (TC 5.7, Evaporative Cooling)
Fire and Smoke Control (TC 5.6, Control of Fire and Smoke)
Radiant Heating and Cooling (TC 6.5)
Seismic- and Wind-Resistant Design (TC 2.7, Seismic and Wind Resistant Design)
Electrical Considerations (TC 1.9, Electrical Systems)
Room Air Distribution (TC 5.3, Room Air Distribution)
Indoor Airflow Modeling (TC 4.10)
Integrated Project Delivery and Building Design (TC 7.1, Integrated Building Design)
HVAC Security (TG2, Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning Security)
Ultraviolet Air and Surface Treatment (TC 2.9, Ultraviolet Air and Surface Treatment)
Smart Building Systems (TC 7.5)
Moisture and Mold (TC 1.12, Moisture Management in Buildings)
Occupant-Centric Sensing and Controls (MTG.OBB)
Codes and Standards


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    دانلود هندبوک ASHRAE HVAC Applications 2019 رایگان


    مشاهده صفحات منتخب از کتاب HVAC Applications : کاربردهای تهویه مطبوع در فضاهای مختلف



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